Monday, July 13, 2020

Cloud Engineer Career Outlook

Let's start with a brief definition of "cloud computing" for those unfamiliar with the term: in simple terms, cloud computing is the need-based distribution of IT resources over the Internet. The cloud has changed the way IT departments operate by offering a new level of control and scalability of technological resources, such as data storage and processing, web hosting, distribution and software analysis. This ability for businesses to host critical IT products and services in a shared web-based environment with dedicated external management staff leads to increased efficiency, lower costs, better security, increased mobility, and a host of other benefits.

Now that we have a basic understanding of cloud computing and why it is a priority for employers, let's examine some career opportunities. The most popular job title for cloud computing is "Cloud Engineer". This is the most used term on this page. However, Cloud Engineer is typically a category of job roles that includes Cloud Architect, Cloud Support Associate, and Cloud developer, and we'll cover each in more detail. Knowledge of cloud computing is not only important for jobs with the title "Cloud": This specialized knowledge is also highly sought after by older technical roles, such as software developers, data scientists, and cybersecurity specialists.

Cloud engineers generally fall into one or more of these three areas:

Cloud architecture: Cloud architects plan the infrastructure and distributed applications that run in the cloud. They combine great business acumen and technical knowledge to design and optimize a company's cloud computing design.
Cloud development: Cloud developers do the coding and software development that bring the architect's vision to life. They combine traditional programming knowledge with experience in one or more leading cloud platform development environments to create, deploy, and optimize cloud-based applications.
Cloud support: Cloud support engineers often work for real cloud service providers, including a variety of jobs at Amazon Web Services (AWS), industry leaders, Microsoft and Google, and are dedicated to cloud computing solutions, troubleshooting and onboarding.

Read More: noc stands for

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