Friday, July 3, 2020

What Does A NOC Engineer Do

Computer networks are important components of almost all organizations. Network and computer system administrators are responsible for the daily operation of these networks. They organize, install, and support a company's computer systems, including local area networks (LAN), wide area networks (WAN), network segments, intranets, and other data communication systems.

Network and computer system administrators typically do the following:
  • Determine a company's network and computer system requirements before setting one up
  • Install all network hardware and software and perform necessary updates and repairs
  • Take care of the security of the network and the computer system and make sure that all the systems work correctly
  • Collect data to evaluate and optimize network or system performance
  • Add users to a network and assign and update security privileges on the network
  • Train users in the correct use of hardware and software.
  • Interpret and resolve problems when a user or automated surveillance system indicates that there is one

Administrators manage a company's servers, desktops, and mobile devices. They make sure that email and data storage networks work properly. They also ensure that employee workstations function efficiently and remain connected to the central computer network. Some administrators operate telecommunications networks.

In some cases, administrators help network architects design and analyze network models. They are also involved in decisions about purchasing hardware or software in the future to update their company's network. Some administrators provide technical assistance to computer users and may also supervise computer support specialists to help resolve user problems.

Read More: noc define

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